
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Audio version of THE TUDOR SECRET now available!

The audio version of THE TUDOR SECRET, from Blackstone Audio, is now available. It features a marvelous narration by actor Steve West, who truly captures the voice of Brendan Prescott, the book's lead character. To purchase a download and/or CDs, plus hear a sample, click here. Thank you to Blackstone and to Mr West for bringing this book to life!

Plus, I just have to say: **love** this cover. It captures the book's feel perfectly.


Kathy said...

Great cover! You should write a blog post or a guest post (hmmm... who would "host" it?!? I might have a guess :D) on the cover selection process. I'm always interested in exactly what goes on and how much the author is involved.

Just listened to the sample of the audio. He's a wonderful narrator!

Judith Schara said...

I like the colors on this cover. Hope your blog tour is successful. A lot of work! Best wishes for a successful launch.

Anonymous said...

I love both covers, but I think you are right, this one really captures the feel of the book. The other one is gorgeous and sort of brings out the romance in the book, but this one really showcases the danger :)

C.W. Gortner said...

I agree, Book Buff. It's fascinating to see how different publishers interpret the book. The UK cover also went for a more sinister, dangerous look.

Kathy, that would be a great post. I'd be happy to do it :)

Hi Judith, yes, marketing has taken over my life, but I love interacting with bloggers and readers. Always fun.